Migone, Lucía

PhD student CONICET

Teaching Assistant, first-rate. Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de Información de FAUBA




Professional resume + Expertise:

She has a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences (2020) from Universidad de Buenos Aires. She is currently pursuing a PhD on Environmental Sciences from Universidad de San Martín. In her thesis she will elaborate a wetland inventory and a functional and structural analisys of the rural Reconquista river basin, based on remote sensing and field surveys. She is a member of the Ecology, Remote Sensing and Ecoinformatics Laboratory.



She works on the generation of the wetland inventory (level IV) of the Reconquista and Matanza-Riachuelo river basins; based on a structural and functional analysis of them.


Dr. Rafael Grimson and Dr. Facundo Schivo