Mataloni, Gabriela

Senior Researcher CONICET

Associate Professor - UNSAM




Professional resume + Expertise

Gabriela Mataloni holds a Ph D in Biological Sciences (University of Buenos Aires, 1994). She is presently a Principal Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), and co-directs the Laboratory of Biodiversity, Limnology and Conservation Biology (LaBiLiCo). She is also Associate Professor at the National University of San Martín (UNSAM). As a graduate student at the Limnology Laboratory of the University of Buenos Aires she studied the microalgal communities of Tierra del Fuego peat bogs, while also researching the diversity and ecology of terrestrial and freshwater Antarctic algae for over 15 years. She took part of 11 Antarctic field campaigns and developed joint research projects with the British Antarctic Survey by means of an Antorchas – British Council fellowship. Since 2008 she is a member of the editorial board of Polar Biology, and has authored over 50 peer reviewed papers.

Her professional skills involve three fields of expertise: diversity and ecology of soil and freshwater microalgae, freshwaters and wetland limnology –mainly those from Tierra del Fuego and Antarctica-, and structure and dynamics of microbial communities within those systems. She presently pursues her research on the use of planktonic and/or microbial communities as indicators of environmental baseline conditions and changes in wetlands from Patagonia and Antarctica. In these interdisciplinary projects she collaborates with national and international experts on different taxonomic groups, analytical techniques and other disciplines.



Biodiversity, community ecology, microorganisms, Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica, wetlands, peat bogs and mires. 



* Diversity, trophic relations and bioindicators in planctonic communities of Tierra del Fuego peatlands.

* Environmental characterisation and valoration of natural resources associated to mining-energetic activities in Río Rurbio (Santa Cruz Province).

* Characterisation of Antarctic wetlands at different analysis scales as a tool for conservation and management of protected areas.


Most important publications

 * Mataloni G., 2016. Diversity patterns of plankton communities in Tierra del Fuego peat bog pools as sentinels of climate change, Biodiversity, DOI: 10.1080/14888386.2016.1180639

* Mataloni, G., Garraza, G. G., Bölter, M., Convey, P., & Fermani, P., 2010. What shapes edaphic communities in mineral and ornithogenic soils of Cierva Point, Antarctic Peninsula?. Polar Science, 4(2), 405-419. doi:10.1016/j.polar.2010.04.005

* Casa V., Brancolini F., Mielnicki D. & Mataloni G., 2020. Fish-killing diatom bloom in an urban recreational pond. An index case for a global warming scenario? Oecologia Australis (ISSN: 2177-6199) Ahead of print (

* Mataloni, G., 2017. Subregión Mallines y turberas de la Patagonia Sur e islas del Atlántico Sur.

* Mataloni, G. & Quintana, R. D., 2017. Región Humedales Antárticos. En: Benzaquen, L., D.E. Blanco, R. Bo, P. Kandus, G. Lingua, P. Minotti y R. Quintana. (editores). 2017. Regiones de Humedales de la Argentina. ISBN 978-987-29811-6-7.


Complemantary info

Participación en Comisiones Asesoras:

* 2017-2019: Miembro de la Comisión Asesora sobre Biodiversidad y Sustentabilidad (CAByS) – Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.

* 2017-2019: Miembro de la Comisión Nacional Asesora para la Conservación y Utilización Sostenible de la Diversidad Biológica (CONADIBIO) – Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable.

Participación en Proyectos de Extensión:

* 2006-2011: Miembro del Taller de Aguas de la FCEyN-UBA.Directora: Dra. María Dos Santos Afonso.Proyecto: "Relevamiento de la calidad del agua para consumo humano en barrios del Gran Buenos Aires".

* 2018 -2020: “Abordaje de la violencia de género desde el ámbito universitario” Proyecto de Extensión de la UNLu. Integrante.

Books (editor):

*Abraham, María Elena; Quintana, Rubén D. y Mataloni, Gabriela (eds.) (2018). Agua+Humedales. Buenos Aires, UNSAM EDITA. 485 pp. ISBN 978-987-4027-68-9.


* Izaguirre, I. & Mataloni, G., 2001: "Antártida. Descubriendo el continente blanco". Ediciones Del Nuevo Extremo- Caleuche. Buenos Aires. 190 pp. ISBN-13: 978-9509681958.

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