Lonné, Noelia

Assistant Professional (Support to Researchers Activities) - CPA CONICET

Teaching Assistant in first-rate , FCEN - UBA.






Professional resume + Expertise

She has a degree in Biological Science since 2008 (FCEN – UBA). She is writting her doctoral thesis on the toxicological effects of organochlorine pesticides on freshwater fishes, assessing oxidative stress and histological damage.

She worked at the National Health Ministry, at Epidemiological Surveillance and then at the National Vector-borne Diseases Directorate.  Also, she developed tasks as Technical Co-Director at the Environmental Analysis Laboratory from Pilar City Municipality.

She es Teaching Assistant in first-rate since 2014 (Comparative Animal Phisiology) in FCEN – UBA.

From 2018 to 2020, she worked as Assistant Professional in Support to Researchers Activities at the National Museum of Natural Sciences developing histology and microscopy tasks. From 2020 until today, she works at the IIIA in the same position doing different tasks.



Most important publications

Canosa, I.S., Silveyra, G.R., Lonné, M.N. et al. "In vitro Interference of a Glyphosate Commercial Formulation with the Stimulation of Ovarian Maturation by Progesterone, in the Estuarine Crab Neohelice granulata". Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 106, 583–588 (2021).

Ivana S. Canosa, Marina Zanitti, Noelia Lonné, Daniel A. Medesani, Laura S. López Greco, Enrique M. Rodríguez. "Imbalances in the male reproductive function of the estuarine crab Neohelice granulata, caused by glyphosate". Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 182, 2019, 109405, ISSN 0147-6513.

Josencler L. Ribas Ferreira, María Noelia Lonné, Thiago A. França, Naiana R. Maximilla, Thiago H. Lugokenski, Patrícia G. Costa, Gilberto Fillmann, Félix A. Antunes Soares, Fernando R. de la Torre, José María Monserrat. "Co-exposure of the organic nanomaterial fullerene C60 with benzo[a]pyrene in Danio rerio (zebrafish) hepatocytes: Evidence of toxicological interactions". Aquatic Toxicology, Volume 147, 2014, Pages 76-83, ISSN 0166-445X.