Cardo, María Victoria

Associate Researcher CONICET




Professional resume + Expertise

María Victoria Cardo holds a PhD in Biological Science from Buenos Aires University. She entered UNSAM in 2011, first with a scholarship and currently as an investigator and postgraduate teacher. She has published 22 papers in international journals, 11 of them as a first author.

Dr. Cardo specialty is mosquito ecology. During her PhD thesis, she studied different community attributes of mosquito assemblages form ground water habitats in the Delta of the Paraná River. Her post-doctoral work was focused on the distribution of the Culex pipiens complex along an urbanisation gradient in Buenos Aires. Such research line was broadened with her admission as a member of the Research Career of CONICET in 2014. Currently, she is an associate researcher and part of the team of 2eTV (Ecology of Vector-Transmitted Diseases, for its abbreviation in Spanish, headed by Dr. Aníbal E. Carbajo). She studies distribution patterns and ecological drivers of the members of the Culex pipiens complex, vectors of arbovirus, in the central region of our country. She has experience in field and laboratory work, sampling design, specimen collections, and taxonomic identification by morphological and molecular techniques. She also performs complex data analysis, including community structure and species distribution modeling.



Mosquitoes - Culex pipiens complex - Environmental heterogeneity - Feeding patterns


Most important publications

2020 Cardo MV, Rubio A, Vezzani D, Carbajo AE. Assessment of Culex pipiens bioforms in the world´s southernmost distribution limit. Memórias Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 115: e190390. DOI:

2020 Cardo MV, Rubio A, Junges MT, Vezzani D, Carbajo AE. A rural-urban latitudinal study of the distributions of Culex quinquefasciatus and Culex pipiens bioforms in their southernmost sympatric fringe. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 34: 34-43. DOI:

2018 Cardo MV, Rubio A, Junges MT, Vezzani D, Carbajo AE. Heterogeneous distribution of Culex pipiens, Culex quinquefasciatus and their hybrids along the urbanisation gradient. Acta Tropica 178: 229-235. DOI:

2014 Cardo MV, Vezzani D, Rubio A, Carbajo AE. Integrating demographic and meteorological data in urban ecology: a case study of container-breeding mosquitoes in temperate Argentina. Area 46:18-26. DOI:

2013 Cardo MV, Vezzani D, Carbajo AE. The role of the landscape in structuring immature mosquito assemblages in wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management 21: 55-70. DOI: