Cantera, Cecilia G

Posdoctoral fellow CONICET




Professional resume + Expertise

Cecilia Cantera completed her studies at the University of Buenos Aires (FCEyN-UBA), where she obtained the degrees of Bachelor of Chemical Sciences and Doctor of the University of Buenos Aires in the Geological Sciences. From the beginning of her scientific career she was interested in environmental sciences and the study of fluvial systems. She did an ad-honorem research internship at the INQUIMAE Institute (UBA-CONICET), where she focused on the study of the photodegradation of pesticides in aquatic environments. During her Doctoral Thesis, carried out at the IGeBA Institute (UBA-CONICET), she studied the geochemical characterization of river sediments and natural waters, and the phosphate retention processes in natural sediments. Currently, she works as a CONICET postdoctoral fellow at the IIIA Institute (UNSAM-CONICET). The research project focuses on the recovery of metals of economic interest from hazardous waste by a combination of bioprocesses and advanced oxidation techniques, and its application to Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Throughout her career, she has published four scientific articles, one book chapter, two scientific reports and twelve articles in national and international conferences.


Most important publications


Alli C.E., Cantera, C., Villalba, L.B., dos Santos Afonso, M., Scasso, R.A. y Trinelli, M.A. (2016). Determinación de metales pesados y arsénico en muestras de agua del río Reconquista mediante espectroscopía de absorción atómica por horno de grafito. Revista SNS, SENASA, Vol.10 ISSN: 2314-2901.

Cantera, C.; Scasso, R. A.; Tufo, Ana; Villalba, L. B. y dos Santos Afonso, M. (2018). Mobility of trace elements between the river water, the sediments, and the pore water of Las Catonas stream, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Environmental Earth Sciences. DOI:

Bernal Rey, D.L.; Cantera, C.; dos Santos Afonso M. y; Menendez-Helman, R.J. (2020). Seasonal variations in the dose-response relationship of acetylcholinesterase activity in freshwater fish exposed to chlorpyrifos and glyphosate. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 187 (March 2019), 109673.

Trinelli, M.A.; Cantera, C.; Areco, M.M. y dos Santos Afonso M. (2019). Glyphosate Photodegradation. Stoichiometry, Kinetic and Catalytic Effects. International Journal of Environment and Health, 9(4), 306-326.


Book chapters

Trinelli, M.A.; Cantera, C. y dos Santos Afonso M. (2012). Estudios de fotodegradación de glifosato en medio acuoso. Ciencia y Tecnología Ambiental Un enfoque integrador (808-813). Buenos Aires: Asociación Argentina para el Progreso de las Ciencias.