Asparch, Yamila Belén
Professional resume + Expertise
Yamila B. Asparch, has a degree in Biological Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Currently, she is a Ph.D student in Biological Sciences at the same University. Since 2017, she has carried out her research at the Ecotoxicology Laboratory under the co-direction of Dr. Gabriela Svartz and the direction of Dr. Cristina Pérez Coll through a Ph.D felloship UNSAM-CONICET. She specializes in the evaluation of the toxic effects of pesticides widely used in the Pampean agroecosystems on the development of the native amphibian species Rhinella arenarum, focusing on evaluations of ecological risk, lethality, teratogenesis, and the use of different biomarkers as effect indicators.
Most important publications
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-07248-7