Aquino, Diego Sebastián
Posdoctoral fellow CONICET
cosystem functioning, landscape ecology, land use change detection, time series analysis, GIS, plant community ecology, plant functional diversity, wildlife conservation and management, anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems, programming
Most important publications
Aquino, D.S., Gavier-Pizarro, G.I. & Quintana, R.D. (2022) Water management infrastructure alters plant species composition, functional diversity and soil condition in a livestock-impaired mosaic of wetlands. Applied Vegetation Science, 25, e12698.
Aquino, D.S., Gavier-Pizarro, G., Rubén Darío, Q., 2021. Disentangling the effects of hydro-climatic factors and land use intensification on wetland vegetation dynamics in the Lower Delta of the Paraná River. Remote Sens. Appl. Soc. Environ. 21, 100466.
Aquino DS, Amela García MT (2019). Pollen dispersal in a population of Passiflora caerulea: spatial components and ecological implications. Plant Ecol 220:845–860. doi:
García MTA, Aquino D, Bouza A, et al (2019) Sistema reproductivo y biología floral de Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) en una población ribereña del Río de la Plata. Boletín la Soc Argentina Botánica 54:29–42. doi: