Guz, Lucas

Junior Researcher  CONICET

Assistant Professor 3ia UNSAM





Professional resume + Expertise

Lucas Martín Guz obtained his Bachelor degree in Biotechnology from UNSAM in 2010. The same year, he began his PhD in Science and Technology - Chemistry Mention from 3iA. He obtained his doctorate in 2015 and his thesis topic was the coupling of adsorption, advanced oxidation and biodegradation techniques for the treatment of colored effluents. In 2015 he started his post-doctorate fellowship at UBA in the LP&MC. His work included the devolpment of starch-based biodegradable polymeric nanocomposites with antibacterial activity, to be used as food packaging materials.

Currently, his research topics are focused in the impact and biodegradability of biodegradable polymeric materials under various environmental conditions, and the generation of new biodegradable nanocomposites with bactericidal, bacteriostatic and antioxidant activity.

He is part of the plastics biodegradability center, a joint center formed by UNSAM, UBA, UBATEC and FUNINTEC ( He was part of the work team that developed fabrics for personal protection equipment with antimicrobial and antiviral activity in the context of the CoVid 19 pandemic ( -Social).

He has presented his work at numerous national and international conferences, published several book chapters, and currently has 12 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Biodegradable polymers; biodegradability; nanocomposites



Biodegradable polymers; biodegradability; nanocomposites